Recognition of Foreign Academic Degrees and Diplomas


The legal regime for the recognition of academic titles and higher education diplomas granted by foreign higher education institutions is provided for in Decree-Law No. 66/2018, of August 16.

The procedure for recognition of academic titles and diplomas awarded by foreign higher education institutions is monitored by Ordinance No. 33/2019, of January 25, which was then by Ordinance No. 43/2020, of February 14.

 Methods of Recognition

1) Automatic Recognition

This is a quick and simplified procedure that allows the foreign higher education titles or diplomas, provided for in the following table, to be recognized in the form of Portuguese

academic titles of bachelor's, master's, or doctorate.

However, it is not applicable to all countries, nor to all grades.

To find out if your situation conforms to this modality or not, you must, before submitting your application for recognition, adhere to the following requirements and see if this fits your


NOTE: In the case of titles awarded by Brazilian higher education institutions, automatic recognition, under the terms of Deliberation No. 1068/2019, of October 9, applies exclusively to

the following titles:

● Master degree with a qualification of 5, 6, or 7 under CAPES (or Coordination for Improvement of Personal Higher Education

● Doctorate Degree with a qualification of 5, 6 or 7 under CAPES (Deliberation no. 1068/2019, of October 9)

This recognition can be requested from the GDHE – General Directory of Higher Education or from a public Higher Education Institution chosen by the interested party.

The conversion of the final classification to the Portuguese classification scale (from 0 to 20 points) can be requested simultaneously with the application for automatic recognition or


Holders of academic titles or diplomas that are not subject to automatic recognition, or that for professional reasons require another type of recognition, may request level recognition or specific recognition.

2) Level Recognition

Level recognition is carried out through the comparison, on an individual basis, between a foreign higher education degree or diploma and a level corresponding to a Portuguese academic degree or higher education diploma whether it be a bachelors, masters, or doctorate.

Thus, this modality is suitable for holders of degrees or diplomas awarded by a foreign higher education institution whose level is identical to that of degrees or diplomas awarded by a

Portuguese higher education institution.

Level recognition must be requested from a public Portuguese Higher Education Institution that teaches a concentration comparable to that of the applicant; the General Directory of Higher Education does not carry out this recognition.

The request for level recognition is subject to reasoned deliberation by a jury, appointed by the Rector of the University of Minho, in cases where previous decision has been made on an

identical academic degree or diploma.

The conversion of the final classification to the Portuguese classification scale (from 0 to 20 points) can be requested simultaneously with the level recognition application or separately.

The deciding jury has a right to refuse recognition of the foreign degree, which will then determine the closure of the application process.

3) Specific Recognition

Specific recognition makes it possible to recognize a foreign higher education degree or diploma identical to a Portuguese academic degree or higher education diploma through a case-by-case analysis. This analysis takes a look at the academic level, duration and syllabus content from the program that the degree was obtained in.

Specific recognition must be requested from a public Portuguese Higher Education Institution that teaches a course comparable to that of the applicant, and the General Directory of Higher Education does not carry out this recognition.

In specific recognition, there is no conversion of the final classification, but rather the attribution of a final classification by a jury.

a) Specific recognition of a Bachelor degree in Law

The granting of specific recognition of a Bachelor's Degree in Law is conditional on the applicant passing ad hoc exams that will take place twice a year, mid-May and mid-November.

These exams are carried out within the span of two days, with a minimum interval of 48 hours, on dates to be indicated by the jury, which will then be communicated in writing to the interested parties, with an advance notice of no less than one week in relation to the dates of the exams.

The exams will consist of two written portions:

1. One on matters of civil law, commercial law, and civil procedure

2. Another on matters of constitutional law, administrative law, tax law, criminal law and criminal procedureThe exams will deal with the following topics, and the candidate must pay attention to the following Basic Bibliography.

The applicant will be approved if the final average is not less than 10 points and provided that none of the subjects has a score lower than 8 points.

For more information, consult with the Regulation for the specific recognition of the Bachelor's degree in Law abroad conferred by the University of Minho.


b) Specific recognition of a Masters or Doctorate of Law

The granting of specific recognition of the Master's degree in Law is conditional upon the applicant's passing of an examination in the area of knowledge from which they gained said

degree. This exam takes place twice a year, in mid-May and mid-November.

The exam is carried out on a date to be indicated by the jury appointed for the purpose, which is published on the School of Law website no less than eight days before the date of the exam.

The granting of specific recognition of the degree of Doctor of Law is subject to the approval of the applicant in the oral defense of a doctoral thesis with which the degree was obtained abroad.

The oral defense will take place on a date to be indicated by the jury put in place for this purpose.

In any of the cases, the applicant is approved as long as they obtain a classification equal to or greater than 10 (ten) points.

For more information, consult with the Regulation for the specific recognition of the master's and doctor's degree in Law abroad conferred by the University of Minho.


Master's in Human Rights

Master in European and Transnational Business Law - LLM

Master's Degree in Children's Law Family and Inheritance

Master's in Tax Law


1. The request for recognition must be submitted on the RecON national platform, using a specific form available at the General Directory for Higher Education (GDHE).

2. Select the "Recognition" option (attaching the requested documents in digital format);

3. Upon submission of the application, payment of the respective fees in force at the University of Minho is due;

4. After making the payment, the application will be analyzed and processed by the University of Minho until the final decision is issued, which is then communicated to the


Note: Failure to pay fees within the established period determines the extinction of the application.



How can I authenticate documents?

In accordance with the Portuguese legislation in force, the following entities can certify the conformity of photocopies with the original documents presented to them for this purpose:

CTT - Correios de Portugal, S.A. - Open Society; Notaries; Lawyers and Solicitors;

Conservatories; Parish Councils; Chambers of Commerce and Industry; Portuguese consulate in the country where the document was issued; Consulate in Portugal of the country where the document was issued.


Can I apply for more than one form of recognition for the same academic degree or diploma?

No, each form of recognition can only be requested once for the same academic degree or foreign higher education diploma.


Can I withdraw from the application for Recognition?

Yes, withdrawal does not affect the presentation of a new application, at the same institution or at a different institution, however it does not grant the right to a refund of the amount paid as a fee.

The withdrawal request must be submitted via email.


For more information, consult the General Directory for Higher Education website or the following support manual.


Specific recognition - Bachelor's and Master's

Appointment of jury for specific recognition of the bachelor's degree

Appointment of jury for specific recognition of the master's degree

Level recognition - Bachelor's and Master's

Appointment of jury for level recognition of the bachelor's degree

Appointment of jury for level recognition of the master's degree


Level recognition - Bachelor's Degree

May, 27, 2024, at 2:30 pm, room 005

May 30 2024, at 2:30 pm, room 005