The School of Law offers all its students, from the various study cycles, the possibility of undertaking periods of mobility (part of their study cycle and/or internships) at various foreign universities or companies. To this end, there are different programs, with different scopes, requirements and duration, academically coordinated by Professor Flávia Noversa Loureiro.
Our University's International Relations Services (SRI) is responsible for the general management of these programs. The most widespread program for pursuing studies abroad is ERASMUS+, but there is also the possibility of obtaining a course outside our country through bilateral protocols signed between UM and foreign universities. Occasionally, scholarships are available for these courses at other universities.
On the other hand, the School of Law also receives a large number of foreign students every year who choose our institution for their mobility periods. Their stay with us is enriching for both parties, opens up the School to the world and allows us to forge closer ties with other institutions. You are all very welcome!
ED Academic Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Rossana Martingo Costa Serra Cruz
Phone: 253 601 830